Scary Thought: Karl Rove Will Be McCain’s Brain After It Withers From His Alzheimer’s

One scary thought that crossed my mind. Recently Karl Rove has become a greater and greater force in the McCain campaign…

If he could wield so much power over a simple minded President like Satan George W. Bush, think what he can do with a President suffering from Alzheimer’s!

You saw the Documentary Bush’s Brain, well think how quickly Rove can become McCain’s Brain!!!!

America, run from McCain now! His degenerative dementia will be so far along by the time he assumes office in January 2009 that a vote for McCain is just a vote for the same crooked policy advisers and Neo-con staffers of W!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Uncle Karl is ready to pounce. Rove will be McCain’s brain as soon as Alzheimer’s turns what’s left of it to mush!!!

Karl Rove will be John McCain\'s Brain once it wastes away from Alzheimer\'s